Score Game Credits
Before scoring a game, you will redeem a credit. Easily replenish your credit balance at the Star Player Store (tap the 'Store' tab).

Score It
Choose 'Score It' to bring up the Score Game panel which is the business end of play capture and is very easy to use. Simply choose the Stat, the Player, and tap Post to record it.

When starting a game, tap Game Start and then Post.

Tap a Play and then Post. The system will broadcast plays automatically to the LIVE Gamecast.

When the game is complete, tap Game End / Final and then Post.

Close the Score Panel by tapping Done.

The Post/Update button changes to a shade of blue to indicate that this play has not been recorded. Tap Post/Update to send the play to the server or Clear to reset the play.

The light blue buttons are plays associated with a Player. The dark blue buttons are game events that typically do not have a player associated with them (except Goal Opponent, and Shot Opponent, in which the Goalie is automatically selected).

On the lower toolbar, you can tap the alerts message to display up a list of Alerts recipients for this game. This is a great way to double check who is following the game via text or email alerts.

The lower toolbar has a Goalie button where you select the current Goalie.

Typical Game Progression
A typical sequence of events for for scoring a game:

1) Game Start, then Post

2) Select Player and Game events, then Post

3) repeat #2 as required

4) Period End, then Post

5) Period Start, choose next period then Post

6) repeat from #2 as required

7) Game End / Final, then Post